Laura Gleneck
Laura Gleneck is Division Director, Employment Projects at National Disability Institute (NDI), whose headquarters are located in Washington, D.C. In her role as NDI’s Division Director, Ms. Gleneck serves as the lead director of employment project staff. For nineteen years, she served as the project manager for training and technical assistance activities to help states implement U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)-funded disability employment grants to increase access to and the participation of individuals with disabilities in federally-funded employment and training services. Ms. Gleneck served as the lead coordinator/supervisor of the key technical assistance staff focused on supporting disability and workforce state grantees, managed material development, coordinated all training and technical assistance directing capacity building efforts on WIOA from a disability perspective, and worked closely with the national DOL Program Office. She brings over nineteen years of demonstrated and dedicated experience in the areas of project management and project coordination of both small and large federally funded contracts and over twenty-five years of experience working with national disability organizations.
She holds a master’s degree in Child Study from Tufts University and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the George Washington University.
Outside of the office, Laura enjoys reading, writing, taking walks and biking, as well as working with her husband, Jayson, transforming their house into a “home.”
As a person with disabilities, she understands the critical importance of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. She brings a depth of personal and professional experience in disability and access to DEAFinitely, Inc. and serves as Secretary of the Board.