Get Involved
Cheer us on at a performance or sign up for an ASL class.
Become a Deaf mentor for our youth council or partner with us on a Deaf awareness training,
There are many ways to get involved with DEAFinitely!
Do you know Deaf or hearing youth in your community or school who love to dance or who are interested in learning ASL? Maybe you know a child who has never danced or signed before but is curious to learn. This is how many of our Deaf and hearing youth join DEAFinitely!
And they learn more than dance and ASL; they learn how to interact with others who are
different from them and learn about themselves.
Perhaps you are a business owner or work for an organization interested in hosting a Deaf awareness and basic ASL class. Or maybe you are a Deaf adult who would like to mentor youth and share your expertise, talents and experiences.
Donations always go a long way to providing space for Deaf and hearing youth to grow and learn
about the world and themselves. DEAFinitely is always seeking diverse ways to partner and expand communication equity across our community.