Deaf Youth Council
The foundation of DEAFinitely is its Deaf-led Youth Council (DYC).
It consists of Deaf youth ages 15-22 who come together on a monthly basis
(currently virtually) during off school hours.
The DYC provides one of the only social and emotional outlets led by and for Deaf youth
to connect and reflect on diverse world topics in their shared language of ASL.
Youth are empowered to build leadership skills as they facilitate discussions on topics
of interest. Topics include identity, intersectionality, Audism, Deaf gain and current
world happenings like Black Lives Matter and COVID.
The DYC also relays world concepts to younger Deaf youth through art, games and ASL storytelling. These concepts are emphasized through messages in DEAFinitely performances.
This Deaf-to-Deaf mentoring is vital to building equity and access in Boston.